Career & Freelancing
A space to talk about growing our businesses, families, & dreams. Pull up a seat, grab a glass of something you love (it's a dry rosé for me), & hang out for a while.
Extroverts are odd creatures to me. You are telling me you get energy and recharged batteries from being around a bunch of people? Yeah. Right. That’s so not me, however I have a lot of people in my life who are these enigmatic extroverts. And they deserve attention this holiday season, too… I guess. I […]
December 6, 2018
It’s almost that time of year. Stores are adorned with red and green and metallic galore (wait, they’ve had that since August), Christmas music is playing constantly in my office, and pine- and candy-cane-scented candles burn morning ‘til evening, because there’s nothing sadder than holiday scents after Christmas. If you’re like me, you’ve got […]
November 29, 2018