Career & Freelancing
A space to talk about growing our businesses, families, & dreams. Pull up a seat, grab a glass of something you love (it's a dry rosé for me), & hang out for a while.
I'm Audrey, a copywriter with a heavy obsession with iced coffee, my cute fam, true crime, good wine, and great stories. Let's tell yours!
photo by Gloria Goode
Extroverts are odd creatures to me. You are telling me you get energy and recharged batteries from being around a bunch of people? Yeah. Right. That’s so not me, however I have a lot of people in my life who are these enigmatic extroverts. And they deserve attention this holiday season, too… I guess.
I kid. I actually really admire extroverts. While I like being around others and socializing to a certain extent, I am not one to boldly introduce myself to a new person (except for that time I hit on my now-husband five-and-a-half years ago…). I don’t want to organize or attend a bunch of social events every night of the week, and I avoid talking on the phone like the plague. I’m just fine to spend most nights with my cup of Relax tea, a book or Bravo, and little old me. (And John and Piper, of course, but they are equally as no-new-friends mode as I am.)
That’s why I started these personality-aligned gift guides with introverts last week. Because I just understand the quiet types (one might say “loners”) more. But this week, extroverts get the spotlight they always seem to want—or in my mom’s case, the microphone she always seems to want.
I might not totally understand them, but I happen to have quite a few in my family and friendships. They are outgoing and inclusive and charismatic. They’re confident, conversational, and ambitious go-getters. Spoil the extroverts in your life this Christmas season with one or a few of these gift ideas for the socially inclined busy bees in your life.
1. Why Not Me? by Mindy Khaling ($13): Because I just really feel like extroverts resonate with Mindy Khaling.
2. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert ($13): Because every creative-esque-type person needs to read it.
3. Gemstone Coasters ($14): Because your tables should be protected from beverages in style.
4. A Gorgeous + Useful Planner ($59): Because you have places to go and people to see.
5. Thug Kitchen 101: Fast as F*ck Cookbook ($29): Because you should really learn how to cook, even if you don’t have a lot of time.
6. Glass Smoothie Straws Set of 4 ($24): Because apparently there’s a war on straws?
7. These Precious Faux Fur Throw Pillows ($38): Because COME. ON.
8. A Coffee Mug as Funky as Their Personality ($14): Because caffeine should look cute, too.
9. A Whimsical Passport Holder ($30): Because we’ll travel again… someday.
10. A Gorgeous Carafe ($34): Because your drinks should look this cute when you serve them to friends.
11. “The Bucket List: 1,000 Adventures Big & Small” ($35): Because your coffee-table book should inspire you.
12. The Sweetest iPhone Case ($34): Because this just feels right.
13. Amazon Echo ($99): Because everyone wants their speaker to play them music, buy them things, and tell them jokes.
14. Brass 6-bottle Wine Rack ($68): Because your wine should look beautiful before you drink it.
If you choose to purchase any of these products, I will receive a small percentage of the sale. These are all items I either have and love, or would buy for someone I love. Thank you for your support this holiday season!