Career & Freelancing
A space to talk about growing our businesses, families, & dreams. Pull up a seat, grab a glass of something you love (it's a dry rosé for me), & hang out for a while.
I'm Audrey, a copywriter with a heavy obsession with iced coffee, my cute fam, true crime, good wine, and great stories. Let's tell yours!
photo by Gloria Goode
It’s almost that time of year. Stores are adorned with red and green and metallic galore (wait, they’ve had that since August), Christmas music is playing constantly in my office, and pine- and candy-cane-scented candles burn morning ‘til evening, because there’s nothing sadder than holiday scents after Christmas. If you’re like me, you’ve got to burn those babies out before December 25.
We’re also nearing the time of year when I always forget to shop until three days before Christmas. This year, I’m doing things a little differently. (Yeah, sure you could argue I’m doing things differently because now I’m married to an engineer whose middle name could be Planner and we’ve been brainstorming Christmas gifts for our collective list of recipients for more than a month… I guess that would be a valid point. Okay, fine I’ll give him the credit. Thank you, John.)
Anyway, I often turn to the internet when last-minute scrambling for holiday gift ideas. The usual list suspects are always there: Gifts for Him, Gifts for Her, Gifts for Mom, Gifts for Little Ones. But I’ve never seen gifts put into categories for personality types. Next year, I want to get real ambitious and do an Enneagram gift guide. That sounds like a lot of time and work and research, though, so you’re getting introvert and extrovert (next week) gift ideas this year.
Because I’m an introvert, this was immensely fun to put together and *cough, cough* if anyone needed ideas for a certain me… Well, you’re welcome. But I guess these could work for the rest of the introverts in your life, too.
1. The Little Book of Mindfulness ($8): Because who doesn’t need to be a little more mindful?
2. Netflix or Hulu Subscription (both $8 a month): Because Friends and Handmaid’s Tale are LIFE.
3. Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration ($10): Because we could all use some more exploration of self.
4. Girl, Wash Your Face ($11): Because self talk is important, and Rachel Hollis will kick yours into shape.
5. Cashmere Knit House Slippers ($16): Because coziness.
6. Cozy Minimalist Home: More Style, Less Stuff ($19): Because coziness, plus minimalist home decor = all my dreams come true.
7. Homebody: A Guide to Creating Spaces You Never Want to Leave ($21): Because I will read anything Joanna Gaines writes and do anything Joanna Gaines tells me to do.
8. Knitted Throw Blanket ($26): Because, again, coziness.
9. Bamboo Bathtub Caddy ($27): Because you really need to bring your book, tea, wine, candle, chips + salsa, and phone in the bathtub with you, I promise.
10. Slow North Jar Candle ($29): Because good smells.
11. Noise Isolating Headphones ($46): Because sometimes we don’t want to hear other people.
12. Flannel Sleep Pants ($48): Because…coziness. We’ve talked about this.
13. Amazon Echo Dot ($50): Because this thing shops for you, plays music for you, tells you jokes, gives you inspirational quotes… Who needs friends or significant others with a smart speaker?
14. Vintage Record Player ($69): Because record music is nice.
15. Weighted Blanket ($86): Because anxiety is hard and heavy blankets actually help with that.
If you choose to purchase any of these products, I will receive a small percentage of the sale. These are all items I either have and love, or would buy myself. Thank you for your support this holiday season!